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dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this paper is to examine Paul Tillich’s theology in order to gain an insight into
his ideas concerning the role of religion, theology, Philosophy and culture in the
contemporary world, and demonstrate how these four disciplines affect human existence. The
paper examined robust existing research findings relevant to the theology of Paul Tillich, in
the process of conceptualizing the influence of his theology on contemporary human
existence. The article updates Paul Tillich’s theology to the findings herein. Moreover, the
paper adopted analytical methods to analyze Paul Tillich’s theology of Ultimate concern.
The, results indicate that Tillich comprehends religion as the state of being grasped by an
ultimate concern which contain the answers to the questions of the meaning of life. Besides,
the outcomes showed that religion is dialectically and intimately related to theology, culture
and philosophy. Furthermore, the paper stipulates that religion encompasses other disciplines
of religions which include and not limited to Christianity, Islam Judaism, African,
Comparative, Oriental religions and Contemporary religion. Consequently, all these religions
contain a theology and a philosophy which unites or separates them. Likewise, the paper
demonstrates that theology and religion are perceived as two complementary human activities
which are done by man who is religious and who develops a theology and a philosophy
relevant to his or her religion and applicable to his or her ways of existence. This paper
established that every religion in this biosphere communicates to the world through the lenses
of philosophy and theology. Subsequently, these outcomes will be useful as a resource and
reference material in the teaching of University both at graduate, post graduate and
undergraduate levels especially in courses such as; New Testament in the modern
scholarships, contemporary theologians, contemporary theology and contemporary religious
thought. Moreover, the findings will also be useful in the field of research |
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