Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is based on learners demonstrating the ability to apply the
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values they acquire as they progress through their education. Despite
initial resistance, this curriculum is now under implementation in Kenya after a pilot study conducted
across counties. Successful implementation of this curriculum requires the concerted efforts of
teachers and parents. The purpose of this study is therefore to establish the CBC activities that require
parental involvement, parents’ opinion towards this expectation, teachers’ perceptions of CBC and the
challenges they experience in the implementation of the CBC. The study was anchored on Vygostsky’s
social constructivism theory and employed an exploratory research design. A sample of 56 participants
took part in the study. Data were collected using open-ended questionnaires and in depth interviews,
and analyzed thematically. Findings revealed that, parents were expected to work as co-educators with
teachers and provide learning materials for practical sessions, but they were reluctant to do this. The
teachers appreciated the sustained interest in learning brought about by CBC but cited numerous
challenges like lack of materials, parental support, time, curriculum structure and class size among
others. The study recommends that parents should be sensitized about their role in CBC, schools
maintain optimum class sizes, the government provides adequate funding, and TSC improves staffing
in public primary schools. In addition, talent schools should be established.